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By Ganderoleg
Since I have worked with almost every possible 3D model format except MD5 & AWD I have lost about four days experimenting and trying to construct a usable 3D model import/export pipeline.
...and finally succeeded today :)

In order to celebrate I decided to give one of my models, originally in MDL7 format, to the Cyberix 3D community for commercial or non-commercial projects of any kind with no limitations or usage-conditions.

Model is completely legal, all geometry is my own work and also all textures.
Format is MD5 (md5mesh) with four animations (md5anim). Animations are: Idle, Attack A, Attack B and Run.

I wanted to add Death and Pain animations but had some troubles with export. I will probably update model at some time with those or similar animations.

If model is used in project/game giving credit is not mandatory but it is always welcome :)

There is only one noticeable issue with the model: I messed up bones-positions so in order for model not to ‘swim’ through floor you need to elevate him a bit. So model’s ‘TranslateY’ should be more or less +120.

Hope someone will like and use this model, have fun :)
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